Whatever your school traditions are, Spirit Week is the best time of the year to promote school pride, unify your student body, and make lasting memories that your students, teachers, and staff will remember forever.
You may be preparing for Spirit Week already, but keep these four points in mind during your planning and organizing.
1. Battle of the Classes
Have a hallway decorating contest between grades or classrooms at your school. Assign each class or grade a school hallway and let your students decorate it (mostly) however they want. Here are some decorations to have on hand to spark their creativity:
Background Paper
Tissue Pomps
Don’t forget to take pictures of the end results for your school paper, yearbook, and/or school website!
2. Choose Your Theme Days 
Most schools designate a theme to each day of Spirit Week. Students LOVE this because they get to come to school wearing outrageous outfits and accessories. Here’s a few ideas to get you started:
Superhero Day
Career Day
Twin Day
Decade Day (60s, 70s, 80s)
Celebrity Day
Pajama Day
3. Decide On Lunchtime Activities
Providing an unusual activity during lunch is a great way to get students more involved in Spirit Week and interacting with each other. Incorporate some of these ideas into your lunchtime Spirit Week activities:
Trivia Contest
Name That Tune
Tricycle Races
Tug of War (take this outdoors)
4. Support A Local Charity
More and more schools are volunteering and giving back to the community. Make charitable giving part of your Spirit Week. Choose a local charity and see which class or grade can raise the most money, items, or time for the organization. A lot of schools have a Pink Out day to inspire students and community to help make a difference and raise breast cancer awareness!
Whatever your school does to celebrate Spirit Week, we can help. Shop now at itselementary.com