Fundraising is something that almost every middle school has to do. And you have to do it every year, which can make it seem a little routine. We can help you put the “fun” back in fundraising with some fresh new ideas to either replace those cookie dough and magazine sales or complement them. Try one of these five fun fundraising ideas for your middle school.
1. Sell Paw Spirit Items 
Traditional fundraisers rely on selling something, like magazines or candy. Try selling something slightly different that can also double as a school pride item. Order paw products (custom or stock) and sell them throughout the year. If your middle school mascot is a dog or cat, these items match your mascot, so it will be easy to market them to everyone in your school and/or community. Stock up on paw magnets, pins, T-shirts, wristbands, backpacks, and more!
2. Have a Coin Drop
Whether it’s a tabletop coin drop or a free-standing coin drop, this is an exciting way to keep students engaged with your school. Anyone can do this. All you need is the change that builds up on purses or pockets. Just drop coins into these structures and watch them fall to the bottom. And you can set coin drops up anywhere in school (gymnasium, school store, cafeteria, front office, etc.).
3. Use Your School Store
If you have a middle school store use it as fundraising source. Your school store can be the main place where all fundraising items and booths can be set up. Or you can have part of your school store profits go toward various fundraisers for clubs or sports throughout the year.
4. Get Your Mascot Involved
Students and community members will be more likely to buy fundraising items if you get your school mascot involved. Have someone dress up in your school’s mascot costume and have them stop by your next middle school fundraiser. You can have the mascot interact with the product you’re selling or simply use him as a loud voice to grab students’ attention!
5. Use Fresh, New Fundraising Ideas
Car washes and bake sales are traditional fundraising ideas that can raise a lot funds for your middle school. But it’s always nice to try some new fundraising options to mix things up. Try one of these ideas:
• Jail-N-Bail with teachers or parents
• Dog Wash
• Karaoke Night
• Flamingo Flocking
• Wacky Hat Day
Ready to fundraise for your middle school? We’re ready to help. Shop now at