read across america week is march 2-6, 2025

Read Across America Week:14 Ways to Inspire Your Students

Read Across America Week is March 22-6, 2025. It’s a fantastic opportunity to foster a love of reading among your elementary school students. Here are some fresh and exciting ideas to make this week stand out!

high school kids reading to younger kids

Community Reading Day

Invite local community leaders, parents, and older students (from your local high school or college) to read their favorite books to different classes. This can help create connections and show students that reading is valued by everyone.

Book Character Parade

Have students dress up as their favorite book characters and hold a parade around the school. This can spark creativity and excitement about the characters they’ve read about.

Mystery Reader

Schedule mystery readers (teachers, parents, community members) to visit classrooms and read a story. Keep the reader’s identity a secret until they reveal themselves, adding an element of surprise.

organize a reading scavenger hunt inside your school

Reading Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt with reading-related clues and tasks. Students can explore the library and school to find answers, making reading an adventure. Create custom banners to promote this fun idea.

create custom t-shirts for your read-a-thon

Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

Organize a read-a-thon where students gather pledges for each book or chapter they read. This is a timeless idea that is always popular! Funds raised can go towards new books for the library or other school needs.

Author Visit or Virtual Meet

Invite a local author to visit the school or set up a virtual meeting with a popular children’s book author. This can inspire students and give them a behind-the-scenes look at the writing process.

Themed Reading Days

Plan themed days where students read books related to specific topics or genres, such as “Mystery Monday,” “Wildlife Wednesday,” or “Fantasy Friday.”

Book Swap Event

set up a book exchange or swap for students

Organize a book swap where students bring in gently used books to trade with their peers. This can encourage sharing and introduce students to new titles and genres.

Classroom Reading Forts

Allow students to build reading forts in their classrooms with blankets and pillows. Creating a cozy reading environment can make the experience more enjoyable.

boy reading at home

Buddy Reading

Pair older students with younger students for buddy reading sessions. This fosters mentorship and allows older students to practice their reading skills while helping younger students.

Literacy Night

Host a literacy night where families can come together to participate in reading activities, storytelling sessions, and book-related crafts. Decorate school spaces with background paper, cutouts, and interactive props to liven up your even.

Interactive Storytelling

Incorporate interactive storytelling sessions where students can act out parts of the story or use props and puppets to bring the story to life.

reading award lapel pin

Reading Challenges and Prizes

Set up reading challenges with fun incentives and prizes. For example, students can earn badges or certificates for reading a certain number of books. Other prize ideas are pins, dog tags, wristbands, and bookmarks!

Cultural Stories

Explore stories from different cultures and have students share books that represent their own backgrounds. This can promote diversity and inclusivity.

These activities can make Read Across America Week an exciting and memorable experience for students while nurturing their love for reading.