Anderson's It's Elementary

Customized Full-color Lanyard - Color Craze Stars

Treat your elementary school teachers, staff, and volunteers like the superstars they are with a Color Craze Customized Full-color Neck Strap. The smooth satin neck strap measures 3/4" x 35", comes with your choice of attachment, and the vivid multi-color stars design as shown. Simply add your elementary school name (or other short message) to create one-of-a-kind neck straps that everyone in your school will be proud to wear. Neck straps are perfect for busy teachers and staff who need a "hands-free" way to wear their ID badge or fun fundraising item--everyone will want one to support your school!

ZoomCustomized Full-color Lanyard - Color Craze Stars
Treat your elementary school teachers, staff, and volunteers like the superstars they are with a Color Craze Customized Full-color Neck Strap. The smooth satin neck strap measures 3/4" x 35", comes with your choice of attachment, and the vivid multi-color stars design as shown. Simply add your elementary school name (or other short message) to create one-of-a-kind neck straps that everyone in your school will be proud to wear. Neck straps are perfect for busy teachers and staff who need a "hands-free" way to wear their ID badge or fun fundraising item--everyone will want one to support your school!

Customized Full-color Lanyard - Color Craze Stars

ZoomCustomized Full-color Lanyard - Color Craze Stars

Item Number: ELSUPER3915

Production Time: 7 Business Days

Price: $4.49

Product Color:

As Pictured

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Minimum: 50


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Total: $224.50