Anderson's It's Elementary

Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"

Need a fun fundraiser for your elementary school? Fill this 8" Megaphone with popcorn and sell it at your school carnival, on game day, or at your Movie Night concession stands. When the snack is finished, the included white cap can be popped off, and you'll have a fun noisemaker to use at pep rallies, games, parades, and more. The plastic megaphone includes your choice of one-color imprint on one side, so you can customize it especially for your school.

ZoomCustom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Need a fun fundraiser for your elementary school? Fill this 8" Megaphone with popcorn and sell it at your school carnival, on game day, or at your Movie Night concession stands. When the snack is finished, the included white cap can be popped off, and you'll have a fun noisemaker to use at pep rallies, games, parades, and more. The plastic megaphone includes your choice of one-color imprint on one side, so you can customize it especially for your school.

Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"

ZoomCustom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"
Custom Popcorn Megaphone - 8"

Item Number: ELPCM50P

Production Time: 12 Business Days

Price: $2.99

Product Color:



Minimum: 25


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Total: $74.75