Anderson's It's Elementary

Super Savings

Our "Shop By Super Savings" section includes the best deals on our most popular products! The selection is updated frequently, so check back often. You could find everything from stock spirit items to custom imprinted awards to teacher gifts. Quantities are limited! If you find something you like order now; products are available only supplies last. Be a super saver and shop today!

1-40 products of 317

Mascot Ear Headbands

Mascot Ear Headbands

Was: $2.99
Now: $0.49
Red Paw Pencil Topper

Red Paw Pencil Topper

Was: $0.94
Now: $0.49
Award Ribbons - It's My Birthday

Award Ribbons - It's My Birthday

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59
Mini Memo Book - Chalk Paw Power

Mini Memo Book - Chalk Paw Power

Was: $0.99
Now: $0.79
Water Bottle - Super Teacher

Water Bottle - Super Teacher

Was: $6.99
Now: $3.79
It's My Birthday Water Bottle

It's My Birthday Water Bottle

Was: $2.99
Now: $1.79
Star of the Week Water Bottle

Star of the Week Water Bottle

Was: $2.99
Now: $1.79
Track and Field Day Wristband

Track and Field Day Wristband

Was: $3.49
As Low As: $0.79
Tumbler - So Happy Together

Tumbler - So Happy Together

Was: $5.99
Now: $2.99
I'm Special Wristband

I'm Special Wristband

Was: $1.29
Now: $0.79
Mini Memo Book - Zebra

Mini Memo Book - Zebra

Was: $0.99
Now: $0.79
Metal Bracelet - Student Council

Metal Bracelet - Student Council

Was: $2.74
Now: $1.89
Rock Star Wristband - Green

Rock Star Wristband - Green

Was: $0.49
Now: $0.42
Award Ribbon - A Honor Roll Apple

Award Ribbon - A Honor Roll Apple

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59
Academic Excellence Ribbon

Academic Excellence Ribbon

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59
100 Days Award Ribbon

100 Days Award Ribbon

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59
Award Ribbon - Principal's Award

Award Ribbon - Principal's Award

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59
Award Ribbon - Student Council

Award Ribbon - Student Council

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59
Award Ribbons - Honor Roll Torch

Award Ribbons - Honor Roll Torch

Was: $14.59
Now: $12.59