Anderson's It's Elementary

Holographic Medallion - Blue Paw Honor Roll

Your elementary school students will shine with pride when they receive this holographic medallion in honor of their academic achievements. The 2" diameter gold tone medallion features a stylish holographic blue paw design that will inspire students of all ages.

ZoomHolographic Medallion - Blue Paw Honor Roll
Your elementary school students will shine with pride when they receive this holographic medallion in honor of their academic achievements. The 2" diameter gold tone medallion features a stylish holographic blue paw design that will inspire students of all ages.

Holographic Medallion - Blue Paw Honor Roll

ZoomHolographic Medallion - Blue Paw Honor Roll

Item Number: ELEM9813

Production Time: 1 Business Day

Price: $3.89


Minimum: 12


Special Pricing:
Quantity12-2930-4950-99100-249View More
Special Pricing:
View More
Total: $46.68

Coming Soon : Expected ship date not available; see similar products for time sensitive orders.