Anderson's It's Elementary

Full-color Custom Ribbon - Gold Stars Honor Roll

Making the Honor Roll is a source of pride for your elementary school students, so give them an academic achievement award they can be proud of, too, like this Gold Stars Honor Roll Custom Ribbon. Featuring a classic gold and white Honor Roll design, this 2" x 8" ribbon will be a cherished keepsake of your outstanding students. Add your school name or other text to customize the ribbon to meet your needs.

ZoomFull-color Custom Ribbon - Gold Stars Honor Roll
Making the Honor Roll is a source of pride for your elementary school students, so give them an academic achievement award they can be proud of, too, like this Gold Stars Honor Roll Custom Ribbon. Featuring a classic gold and white Honor Roll design, this 2" x 8" ribbon will be a cherished keepsake of your outstanding students. Add your school name or other text to customize the ribbon to meet your needs.

Full-color Custom Ribbon - Gold Stars Honor Roll

ZoomFull-color Custom Ribbon - Gold Stars Honor Roll

Item Number: EL9073YC4671

Production Time: 4 Business Days

Price: $0.95

Product Color:

As Pictured


Minimum: 72


Total: $68.40