Anderson's It's Elementary

Full-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew

Put a smile on the face of every kindergarten teacher, aide, and volunteer with this fun Kindergarten Crew Custom Star Holiday Ornament. Full of color and spirit, this quality acrylic star-shaped ornament measures 3" x 3" and comes with a fancy string for easy tree display. One side of the star holiday ornament features a multi-color stars and "Kindergarten Crew" design on a striped background. Personalize your ornament by adding one line of text beneath the center design; font and text color come only as shown. Hand out custom ornaments at a casual classroom presentation or a more formal elementary school holiday party. It will look amazing on your home Christmas tree or classroom holiday tree.

ZoomFull-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew
Full-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew
Full-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew
Put a smile on the face of every kindergarten teacher, aide, and volunteer with this fun Kindergarten Crew Custom Star Holiday Ornament. Full of color and spirit, this quality acrylic star-shaped ornament measures 3" x 3" and comes with a fancy string for easy tree display. One side of the star holiday ornament features a multi-color stars and "Kindergarten Crew" design on a striped background. Personalize your ornament by adding one line of text beneath the center design; font and text color come only as shown. Hand out custom ornaments at a casual classroom presentation or a more formal elementary school holiday party. It will look amazing on your home Christmas tree or classroom holiday tree.

Full-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew

ZoomFull-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew
Full-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew
Full-color Custom Star Holiday Ornament - Kindergarten Crew

Item Number: EL6756

Production Time: 11 Business Days

Price: $2.79

Product Color:

As Pictured


Minimum: 150


Special Pricing:
Special Pricing:
Total: $418.50